Friday, August 31, 2012


Normally, I don't really worry too much about what I'm eating. For the most part I have a healthy diet with lots of veggies, fruits and proteins (and candy of course). But the day before a long run I usually try to eat well and not to heavy. 

I have had a few instances where I ate too much the night before and felt uncomfortably full the next day. Today, I'm trying a new pre-run diet and we'll see how I feel during my run tomorrow. 

For Breakfast I had a Herbalife cookies and milk shake. I love this stuff. It's easy, nutritious and effortless. For lunch I had an egg sandwich with ham and green beans. Lately, I've been digging the egg sandwiches. 

I stopped by Road Runners to pick up my bib for Conquer the Bridge in San Pedro on September 3. 

I got a coupon for 20% off any purchase and bought some more fuel. Energy gels. I bought a bunch of new flavors and jelly bean sport beans. I'm excited to try the jelly beans.

Gu: PB,  Mint Chocolate, Jet Blackberry, Tri-Berry, Chocolate Outrage and Honey Stinger Vanilla

Just... START!

This morning was my rest day from running. I'm taking it easy for tomorrow's long run.  Instead of running, this morning I read about running. I came across a blog, here, and stole this picture the blogger  got from runners world.

I love these two messages and wanted to share.

Photo 4

I totally agree with the first message, every day is not the same. Some days I feel really good, really fast and strong. Others I have to drag myself to finish the workout. It happens, and it's okay. It's important to understand this when you are having a hard day and remind yourself that the next workout will be 100X better.

The next message speaks for itself: Just Start. I always hear (and have been guilty of saying it): "I'll start tomorrow or on Monday". What's wrong with NOW?!?!  Most of the time, getting in the mindset is harder than the actual task or workout. So. Today. Don't think about what you will start tomorrow, instead stand up and get started TODAY!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

7 mile recap

This morning I set out to do 7 miles at MP (under 9min/mile).

This is how it turned out: 1) 9:05, 2) 8:16, 3) 8:48, 4) 9:13 (hill), 5) 8:56, 6) 8:30 7)8:31. I'm starting to get a feel for what an 8:30 pace feels like and I really need to work on being consistent on my splits. 

On Saturday I'm doing a 20 mile long run, so from now on I'm going to focus on letting my legs rest. and stretch and ice!

Concaf Champions League Recap: Last night the LA Galaxy played in the second game of the CCL against Puerto Rico. (I'll spare you the picture, I know they all look the same). They won 4-0. It was a good game. The first goal was scored within the first 7 minutes!! The last two goals were scored with 10 minutes left in the game. The fourth goal was scored 2 minutes after the third! Talk about exciting. 

When  you work out, do you go out with a game plan? or play it by ear?

How do you recover from a hard workout or a hard day at work?

Ever been to Puerto Rico?
I haven't. It's on my Travel bucket list !!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I used to be a sprinter... used to be

In high school/ jr high/ 6th grade, I used to be a sprinter. I ran the 100, 200, 4X100, one time ONE TIME I ran the 4X400 and it almost killed me.

This morning I woke up not excited for the 800's I was suppose to do. First of all, I didn't know what to expect. I haven't ran as fast as I could in over 8 years. I don't think I'm fast but I'm trying to be so I bribed myself with some gummy bears and forced myself out the door.

Oh gosh! It was hard. The first 800 was a killer. I tried to run as fast as possible the entire way, but half way into it I started huffing and puffing. The second and third were kind of the same. I'd start off really strong and I could feel myself slow down in the last 400 meters and my lungs felt exhausted. The final 800 my legs felt super uncooperative. Is this normal!?

After every 800 sprint, I walked 200 meter or how ever long it took for my heart to stop trying to break though my chest. I read that if you want to run a marathon at 4:00h, you should run 800's at 4 min. (I don't' know if that's right, or even where i got that bogus info from). Anyway, I was aiming for 3:45 on every 800. This is what the numbers looked like: 1 mi warm up, 1) 3:39, 2) 3:34,  3) 3:29,  4) 3:35 and 2 mile cool down.

I felt super slow. But this was my first attempt. Hopefully the numbers keep getting faster.

I hated it while I was doing it, but then I kinda loved it. It reminded me of HS and how much fun it was. I also remembered why I liked sprinting; it hurts like crazy but then it's over. AND it's over a whole heck of a lot faster than 26.2 miles.

Ever done 800 repeats? hate it or love it?

Ever "force" or "bribe" yourself in to working out?

Did you participate in any sports as a kid/ teen?


People always ask me; "how can you run EVERYDAY??!?!" At this point, it has becomes a routine, like getting to work on time or having lunch. It did take some time though, I've been running for more than 10 years and it wasn't always easy.

I started thinking about when, why and where I learned exercise consistency from… 

I'm pretty sure I learned exercise consistency from my Mama. When I was younger my mom would clean, cook, take care of a family, do a thousand other things and then put in 40 hours at her job ( she still does and she's beyond amazing!!)  But before all that, she would go on an early morning jog / speed walk and get her workout in.  

In elementary school, I would sometimes join her and after school I ran cross country and track but I don't really think I was active. It wasn't until 8th or 9th grade that I started to do some form of physical activity on a daily basis; soccer, track, running or walks with my mom.

During college,  I took the whole working out to far because I thought I needed to lose weight. I worked out everyday and it became a habit. In a way, it helped me get more focused and consistent with running but it was definitely for the wrong reasons.  Over time, working out before getting the day started became normal.

I'm big on schedules.  I have to schedule everything and then cross it out. (Crossing it out makes me feel like I accomplished something) When I first started running, I had to schedule it in. I still have some kind of schedule going, but now it's my morning run is really a habit. --> wake up, brush teeth, run.

I think consistency is a good thing. It's a lot easier to just stay in shape and create an exercise habit than constantly taking breaks from working out and trying to get back in shape.  But consistency has to start somewhere. so my suggestion would be:   (* disclaimer, I'm not a professional or know anything about anything. This is just some tips that worked for me)

1. schedule it in. If you write it down, you may be more inclined to cross it off your list

2. workout in the AM. studies have shown that people are more likely to workout in the AM than after work or evenings. Plus, you get feel good endorphins to help you get through the day!!

3. Work towards a goal. You'll be less likely to blow it off if your working towards something (weight loss, an upcoming race, health results) 
Do you have a workout routine? 

How, why, when did it become consistent?

If you don't, do you want to? 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

a long line and hill repeats

Monday: 7 miles. It felt like a good shake out from this weekends long run. I didn't post yesterday because I was a little overwhelmed aka feeling dramatic. I had to stand in a 3 hour line at CSUDH because there was some f'd up stuff going on with my tuition. It was worst than standing at a DMV line followed by another DMV line and then another endlessly long line. (haha, i know, i know, i'm clever) Anyway, I get to go back today because the problem didn't get resolved :(

After that torture I went to 24hr fitness for another torture, Bodypump. My gym membership is expiring at the end of the month and I don't have the funds to renew (note: the tuition problem) so I decided to really put on the weight last night. I thought I might be overdoing it, it was so HARD. I felt really good afterwards even though my arms were still shaking 2 hours after the workout. The good news, I'm not even sore this morning, which means I should go a little harder again tomorrow.

Today, I did hill repeats. It wasn't on the schedule but I felt like I needed a hard workout and I'm avoiding  the 4X 800 repeats I was suppose to do. I did 10 repeats up this killer hill by my place, and it was amazing. My legs felt all tingly and hurt.

Do you have a gym membership? what gym?

Any tricks to keeping yourself from going crazy in long lines/waits?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

lazy weekend continues...

Yup. Lazy all weekend long. Sunday is rest day. Rest from everything day!!  Except from soccer.

Major League Soccer today featured LA Galaxy vs. FC Dalla. It was a really good game.

It was 0-0 for a long time. It was exciting because Galaxy came close a few times. A little after half time, Juninho scored the first cool. This guy is great. He's brazilian, and a great player and so awesome he only needs one name. Just Juninho. The second goal was scored by #2 Todd Dunivant. 

We won!! Weee!!

For dinner, we had pho. My first time. I'm not a fan. I have heard really good things about it but I thought it was really bland. eh, you win some you lose some.

Do you like pho?

Sad the weekend is over? or excited for a new week?

No rules, No penalties

As promised, I didn't do much on saturday. I watched tv (minor league baseball) and tried to take a nap. nothing too exciting.

Saturday night, Anthony invited me to a Renegade Rollergirls Match. It was roller derby but extreme. No rules, no penalties.

It was fun to watch since I'd never seen a roller derby game, except for Whip it. Because of the whole "no penalties" policy, it was crazy!! Girls pulling on each other's clothes, dragging them down then sitting on top of them. Fun to watch, but won't be signing up anytime soon.


How do you prefer to spend your Saturdays? busy or lazy?

How do you feel about games with no rules? or penalties?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

slow and steady

I did it!!!

18 miles and I didn't walk or stop at all. Although, I was going super slow (between 10-11 min/mile). It's ok, because I did 18 miles and I didn't' want to die at all.

I wanted to leave at 5:30 because i was afraid of a heat stroke like last week.  But, at 5:30 it was still dark so I napped until 6:30. It was overcast today and there was a breeze. That really helped because last week (it was around 80) and I felt like my insides were boiling.

My hamstrings felt a little tight around mile 13 but it wasn't a terrible. And as usual my knees started to ache towards the end. I came home to the same routine, drink lots and lots of water and take an ice bath.

I don't have anything planned for today, I'll probably just sit with a good book or some dumb tv.

Have a great weekend!!


Any plans for the weekend?

What was your workout today?

What is your favorite kind of "dumb tv"?
I like criminal investigation type shows the best 

Friday, August 24, 2012

getting lost in a book

While I waited to see the orthodontist, I read a chapter from my new book. Theft- a novel by B.K. Loren. I've only read a few pages, but I can already tell its a good one.

I'm going to try to read a fir in a few more pages tonight. :)

I'm one of those weird folks that enjoy reading. always have. I wanted to share a cool webpage for all you readers out there. It's called What Should I Read Next?. You type in the title of your last fav book and it gives you a list of other books to read, generally they are in the same genre.

Today I had a really short day at work. My boss was giving a lecture at Charles Drew University and he invited me to listen in. It was on sexual dysfunction and it was geared towards a bunch of medical students and faculty. Mostly, he focused on Erectile Dysfunction. I got some pretty good notes for my thesis.

On the way home, I stopped for an ice cream cone. so yummy. but, this is getting out of hand, I seriously have to limit all the junk food I eat.

Do you enjoy reading? what is your favorite genre?

How often do you have ice cream (or dessert)?
Normally, just once or twice a week. But lately, its been like every other day. bad.

Concacaf Champs League- LA WIN

Last night, Anthony and I went to a Galaxy Game. They played Isidrio Metapan in the Concacaf Champions League. From what I understand its separate from regular season MLS and it's like a tournament, once you lose you are out.

Sorry ladies, Beckham is not in this picture. The guy scratching his head is Mike Magee (my fav). 
We had a lot of fun, I especially enjoy all the chants.

The LA Galaxy won 4-2

At the end of the game, the players thank the fans.  They come really close and do a cheer with them. It's a real cool thing. Usually they are not half naked. Last night game must have been a special win. 

This morning was my rest from running. Instead I got up early and washed my car.  Also, I stretched, iced and foamed rolled for a bit.

I'm headed to the orthodontist now, I have a follow up appointment for my retainer.

Are you a soccer fan?
I am now. I didn't use to be. I still think soccer on TV is boring. Real life is way more exciting.

Do you wash your car with a water hose at your house or at a carwash?
I wash mine with a hose in the parking lot. I have to do it early before theres a lot of traffic coming in and out of the lot.

Any plans for the weekend?
attempting an 18 mile long run...  again

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Run plus Random Rant

Happy Thursday!

I like Thursdays, maybe because they are close to Friday.

The workout this morning, 1 warm up, 6 miles at Marathon Pace (MP). My goal right now is to run a Marathon at a 9min/mile pace which would result in a sub 4 marathon. Whenever I run MP miles, I always try to do a 8 minute pace (instead of 9) because I'm an over achiever and I just like to push myself crazy hard. ... secretly I'm hoping I'll run a Boston Qualifying time (uhm, yeah right)

Anyway, my workout looked like this: 1) w/up 10:00, 2) 9:01, 3) 8:00, 4) 7:55, 5) 7:50 6) 8:00

It was ok, I felt really stiff and mile #2 was ridiculously slower than I was aiming for.

Any who, random rant because everyone else I know thinks I'm crazy. --> what is up with guys yelling out stupid comments/ whistling or making kissing noises as they drive past me??. I hear it a lot more in the summer, probably because i'm not wearing two sweaters, sweats and a hoodie. But, hey, I'm not over exposed either. The point is; I don't find it amusing, or flattering just plain creepy. Most of the time,  the whistling or cat-calls startle me and sometimes make me speed up because I"m afraid they'll try to throw me in their shady white van.

To all men (and women) who call out of moving vehicles to runers, 
Please stop. It really freaks them out. Just let them enjoy their workout in peace. There is nothing wrong with liking what you see, but please keep it to yourself. You'll be doing yourself a favor. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

running with kenny

Wednesday is usually a day off from running, and I usually try to make the bodypump class after work.

Last night, I had a little debate with myself that lead to me doing my easy Friday run today and taking a rest day on Friday. I'm hoping that the rest before attempting 18 miles again will be a good thing. This morning I set out to do 6 easy miles. When I want to make sure my runs are easy, I take my iPod with me. and if I can sing and run, then its a good easy run. I don't know if that's scientific, but it works for me since it helps me shake out my legs without pushing too hard.

On every other run, I don't run with music. I've gotten used to listening to my surrounding, my breathing or the voices in my head. I actually feel safer running on the street without music, mainly because I'm paranoid I'm going to be kidnapped or trip over a rock if I'm too wrapped up in the music.

Today was a treat. I listened to the new Kenny Chesney album; Welcome to the Fishbowl. It's really good!!

I'm old school, I like buying the whole CD versus only downloading the songs you like. When you get a new CD, it's hard not to skip to the songs you like and his repeat, though. So where never I get a new CD, I listen to it while running. That way I can't skip, repeat or change songs.  In the end, I end up liking the whole thing!!

After my run, I stopped at the Social Security Office, to get a replacement SS Card. I was in and out in 20 minutes. Not bad. Now, I'm going to spend some time writing the results part of my thesis. ooh, fun. (note the sarcasm) Hope your day is great, Happy Hump Day Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

the love of my life….

Garmin Forerunner 405

I really really love my garmin sports watch. It's super cool and looks bad ass. I also think it has helped my training a lot since it tracks distance and speed.  I've only had it for a few months, but I already love it so much!! This post is a pro/ con list of all the features.

1. tracks distance. and it is super accurate.
2. tracks speed. It tells you how fast you go. mine beeps every mile to let me know my splits. (you can modify it)
3. rechargeable battery. even though, i forget to charge it, rechargeable things are cool.
4. you can download software and do cool stuff on your computer (i don't know what kinda stuff, i haven't tried it)
5. visual partner, a little virtual guy that competes with you. you can tell it, i want to run an 8mi/mile, and the little guy will run that and your job is to keep up or beat him.
6. syncs with satellites for GPS and can act as a navigation tool. the screen turns into a compass to help you find the north star.
7. water proof so you can run in the rain. (flashback to LA Marathon 2011 /: )
8. heart rate monitor.  I haven't tried it, but it's a cool feature

1. Cost. It is expensive. I bought an older model and it was still $200. Newer models can cost up to $400
2. It is sensitive. On sweaty days, drops of sweat trigger the touch brezel and it beeps like crazy. This is the only thing that really bugs me.
3. the arm band is a little big, or i have a small wrist.

dead electronics

I guess my training schedule changed this week. I was getting used to the hill repeats but this morning, I noticed something new on my planner. 8 miles 3X1mile, which means 3 times 1 mile repeats at a really fast pace.

 I'm so irresponsible, and I forgot to charge my garmin the last time I used it, so this morning it was completely dead. 

I couldn't run the 1 mile repeats because I don't know a straight path that is once mile long. There is a school by my house but I can't find a gate to let me in. Plus, school has started and I feel a creep sneaking into the campus to use the track. I'm scared there will be some kind of misunderstanding and I will be arrested on charges of pedophilia. 

Anyway, instead I ran 8 miles and in path there is a shorter path I know is 3 miles, so I ran fast for that section and ran the rest at a above comfortable pace. My knee's are a little achy so I'm going to ice and stretch.. 

Monday, August 20, 2012


My favorite way thing to do is to multitask. Especially when you have to run a boring errand. This morning, I had an easy run schedules. Which was needed, by the way, my legs felt stiff from my weekend long run massacre. Anyway, I saw that Identity (the movie we rented last night. I know, rented haha! living in the dark ages over here) was due today before 5. I knew I didn't have time to watch it again and figured I better return it before I left for work. I decided to incorporate my run into this errand and run to Blockbuster. I looked like a total geek running down the street with a dvd. haha. Anyway, it worked out great because Blockbuster is only 3 miles away from my apartment so I got a good 6 miles in.

Monday is always stressful for me. A new week, a whole lot of things to do. I'm really stressing about my Pharm School applications and have decided this week will be dedicated to finishing that task.

squat it away
I found this little thing fun because I'm going to bodypump after work today and will be doing lots and lots and lots of squats. can't wait :)

an easy breezy weekend

I figured out a way to wear compression gear in the summer and not look ridiculous.  Maxi-dresses. 

now you see them, now you don't

Ideally, I should invest in compression sleeves so that I could have worn regular shoes. It's on my to do. 

On Saturday, Anthony and I went to a cross fit competition  where local clubs were competing. Anthony's friend was competing and he wanted to check it out. I went because I think Crossfit is cool. I tried a membership once and I really liked it. Its really expensive so I couldn't keep it up. When I hit the jackpot this will be how I train, forget that wimpy bodypump class. .

This weekend, LA Ports was hosting Navy Day. They had two ships on display with free tours; a Naval Destroyer and a Coast Guard Cutter George Cobb. I can't remember the destroyer's name but I was really cool.

We headed to San Pedro on Sunday after church  but before we stopped at  Beach City Market Deli for lunch.I had a local fav: the torPEDRO. It was giant and delicious.

The Navy Day tours were really fun, we got to see all the major sites, asked questions and heard some cool stories from our tour guide.

The ship in the background is the USS IOWA

It was a really interesting and a nice way to spend an afternoon. It was really warm, so after the tour we went to BK Burger King for a 50 cent ice cream cone. (The guy totally hooked me up, and gave me a massive amount of self-serve) Then we headed to blockbuster to get a movie, we watched Identity. Its old but I'd never seen it before and Anthony said it was really good. and it was!! Its a total psychological thriller and has a bunch of twist and turns. go. get. it. now..

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Long Runs Call for Yogurtland !!!

This morning I went out for my long run. The training plan I'm following called for 18 miles. I was really negative about it… it's hot, that's too long, I'm not ready..

Before I left, I did a little stretching, gathered my gear and had half a mini bagel with PB. The run was  hard, Around mile 9 or 10, I started to doubt myself. "if i can't do 18, how am I going to do 19, or 20, of 26?!?!? I really think these are the moments that make you a tougher runner. Yes, it's hard, 18 miles is tough and 26 will be harder. But that's why I'm doing 18 today so that in October I can do 26.

I ended up sucking it up and pulled out 17.8 miles. ( I didn't map it out before I left, just eye-balled a big loop, boo) It was hard, and it was HOT but I did it.

It's cool thought, I get another chance at 18 miles next week.  I feel more positive about that distance :)

When I got home, I punished/ rewarded myself with an ice bath. It was amazing and awful at the same time.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to camouflage my compression socks in 90 degree weather and then I'm off to Yogurtland because…..

BREAKING NEWS: Kim K went to Yogurtland 3 times last week. Ok, if that's what it take to maintain a booty like hers, I'm in.

Self-service: Kim allowed herself a generous portion of strawberry frozen yoghurt and fruit.

Friday, August 17, 2012

It's Friday, Friday...

Yesterday after work I went to a yoga class. I'm not sure why, but I was not feeling it. I totally half-assed it. After that, I went home and worked on my personal statement for pharmacy school. I'm really starting to like what I have written so far. YAY!

This morning I went out for an easy run. I did 6 miles at a pace of 8:45. It was ok, it was easy but my legs feel a little tight. Guess, I should have focused on the yoga thing last night.

It's been really hot lately, I mean for SoCal standards. Growing up in Central Cali, I'm used to this kinda heat but it does make for an uncomfortable run. Luckily this morning the clouds were out and there was a little relief from the sun. Tomorrow I'm running my long run and I'm hoping the trend sticks. (fingers crossed)

I'm actually dreading the weekend (actually just the LSD run and the pain afterwards) but it's friday! so YIPPIE!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

new goal: Run FAST

Finishing the LA Marathon this year wasn't as exciting as it was last year. I'm pretty sure it was because last year the whole experience was new to me. This year, I knew that I was going to finish, so that "wow! I just ran a marathon" high was completely gone.

But I still love running. and I love the challenge of races. 

So, instead of signing up for races with the goal of finishing in mind, I decided I was going to be faster.

Arroyo Creek Half
My fastest marathon time was 4:12 in November of last year. I don't remember my fastest half, so I ran the Palos Verdes Half Marathon in April to get a time to beat: 2.06. A month later that time was crushed at the  Arroyo Creek Half Marathon in Simi Valley with a time of 1.50.

Ok, now I'm serious about getting fast so I consulted my buddy Google and devised a game plan. My running schedule look like this (a modification from Runner's World)

Monday: tempo
Tuesday: Hills
Wednesday: Rest (but I always cheat and do bodypump at the gym)
Thursday: Speed
Friday: Easy
Saturday: Long Slow Distance
Sunday: NOTHING 

I started this game plan in July, some days I feel fast some days I don't.But I'm excited about the possibility and the workouts.

"wait, I had a blog once"

There's a few blogs that I read on a daily basis. Hungry Runner Girl, Skinny Runner and Run Eat Repeat. Last night, I had a thought, " wait, I had a blog once...hmm...wonder if it's still there". Sure enough, it was!!

It has been a whole year since my last post. What can I say, I've been busy...well, not really, more like work and grad school have been kicking my butt.

I don't want to recap on everything I've failed to blog about over the past year, but I do want to mention a few things

1. I got a new running toy :) It's a Garmin Forerunner 405 and it is AMAZING (I'll post a review)
2. Last summer I had a "run because it's fun" attitude, this summer its sub4 or bust. (I'll explain, I know you're all dying to hear about my running schedule)
3. I'm submitting my thesis in a few weeks, studying for the PCAT and applying to pharm school (yeah, my mom thinks I'm crazy too)

I'm excited to start the blog up again! Yippie!