Thursday, August 16, 2012

new goal: Run FAST

Finishing the LA Marathon this year wasn't as exciting as it was last year. I'm pretty sure it was because last year the whole experience was new to me. This year, I knew that I was going to finish, so that "wow! I just ran a marathon" high was completely gone.

But I still love running. and I love the challenge of races. 

So, instead of signing up for races with the goal of finishing in mind, I decided I was going to be faster.

Arroyo Creek Half
My fastest marathon time was 4:12 in November of last year. I don't remember my fastest half, so I ran the Palos Verdes Half Marathon in April to get a time to beat: 2.06. A month later that time was crushed at the  Arroyo Creek Half Marathon in Simi Valley with a time of 1.50.

Ok, now I'm serious about getting fast so I consulted my buddy Google and devised a game plan. My running schedule look like this (a modification from Runner's World)

Monday: tempo
Tuesday: Hills
Wednesday: Rest (but I always cheat and do bodypump at the gym)
Thursday: Speed
Friday: Easy
Saturday: Long Slow Distance
Sunday: NOTHING 

I started this game plan in July, some days I feel fast some days I don't.But I'm excited about the possibility and the workouts.

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