Monday, February 18, 2013

weather 180

This weekend's long run was 12.8 miles. The sun was out and there was a slight breeze, perfect for trying to climb hills.

I'm not really training for anything, but I do want to keep my milage up in case there is a full marathon in the near future. I want to strong baseline and not have to start from 0. Plus, my fitness goal is to fit enough to run a strong half marathon without any warning.

Today, the weather made a complete 180 and it was windy, gloomy and cold this morning. In contract to Sunday, I wore a full snow suit for my 7 mile run.  (jk, but I was wearing a cold gear top)

My Weekend:

Anthony and I went to the Scotsfest at the Queen Mary in Long Beach.

It was a little windy and I used my scarf as a blanket. I know the color combo is impressive. 


 Is the weather crazy where you live?

How are you spending your 3-day weekend?

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